what we do.
heritage restoration.
We have worked on heritage restoration at all stages and the key lesson learned from 20 years of experience in this field is that patience and tenacity is the only way to see things through. From the first seed of an idea, through planning, consultation and fundraising to capital works and the glorious re-launch we will help you keep the faith that this thing will happen.
For more details of our work, check out our projects.
canals and the environment.
Laura’s love of canals stems from a childhood spent kayaking on the (then recently) restored Rochdale Canal. She also worked for a canal tourism business called ‘Calder Valley Cruising,’ little knowing her teenage weekend job would come in handy later on when planning and delivering canal restoration and regeneration projects.
The benefits of canal restoration are nowhere better demonstrated than on the Rochdale which pulled some of the most depressed urban areas of West Yorkshire out of a post-industrial slump which extended from the decline of the cotton industry in the 1940s to the 1980s. Towns like Todmorden and Hebden Bridge have since become bywords for independent, local, unique, sustainable tourism.
For more details of our work, check out our projects.
fundraising and project management.
Team building is the starting point for Laura’s approach to Project Management; looking at what human, financial and physical resources are already present and getting them to work in harmony is the first step. From there we work to develop a fundraising strategy to suit the needs of the project, and which is appropriate for every stage of the journey. A stepping stone approach is often the most effective route as this helps projects and organisations to grow their track record, experience and resilience at a steady pace, getting them ready for the big push towards the ultimate goal.
For more details of our work, check out our projects.
heritage impact assessments.
Laura has a deeply rooted understanding of historic buildings and landscapes as well as the tools and skills at her fingertips to paint a detailed picture of the heritage asset in question.
We use online tools such the Historic Environment Record, Historic England’s guidance, as well as local record offices and libraries. This desk-based work is strongly complemented by site visits to read the building or landscape within its setting.
We take account of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021 and provide the appropriate
amount of detail so that the LPA/decision can judge the impacts of a proposal based on the
significance of a heritage asset, whether designated or undesignated. To fully understand the
planning context, we would also include a review of any Local or Neighbourhood Plans.
With the support of our freelance Research Associate, Gemma, we are able to turn around desk-based studies in a timely manner bearing in mind the scale and historical significance of the heritage asset but always working with you to agree the timeframe and informing you of any delays that might arise.
For more details of our work, check out our projects.